CEO Mum is a blog for Mum's on the go!
A place to connect, a place to whinge when no one else will listen about why you still didn't get your phone fixed that you left on top of your car while you backed out the driveway & then later ran over up the road when you hit the brakes because the baby learnt this morning of all mornings how to open the car door while driving....AAAHHH
The Oxford Dictionary Defines a CEO as..
Notice the highlighted words - executive officer, higheset-ranking,ultimately,managerial
THIS could define every Mother on the planet!!!
If raising children is not enough for you & you've just added - working, studying, becoming the president of the local P & C or just decided that you can add another 1hr in your day as a stay at home Mum to get fit (with a kid hanging off your ankles while you're trying to do sit ups)- then you know exactly what I mean...Whats sleep anyway - completely overrated. Everyone expects we can do an endless amount of things in one day, all at one time, so why can't we claim the title of CEO Mum?
Because WE do not ALLOW ourselves! That's one of our qualities...HUMILITY (also known by us all as stupidity)
Well out with the old in with the new.. time to get -
- educated
- employable (if that's a goal)
- fit
- looking HOT
- & still have that 1950's 'picture perfect' tidy & clean house - I'm not bringing my husband his slippers though, that's where I draw the line!!!
CAN have our
and EAT IT!!!
I am so why can't you, in fact I'm intending to eat the whole damn cake & still fit into those skinny jeans...

Talk soon Melissa & Tribe XXX
(that's baby tribe member- Victoria (also know by participating tribe members as
Vee Vee Mgee, Princess Love Love or Monster Mouse